It's just another average morning, a little nippy outside, terrible morning TV still exists (when will it die?) and I've got a raft of Backup Exec failures on my hands.
It seems that one of our sites has a condition I'll call "fussity", whereby the CASO server will submit it the jobs it's supposed to do, and, for about 90% of them, it'll just spit the dummy. Throwing "loading media" at you for a random period (could be 2 mins, could be 20 mins) eventually it gives up and fails the job. Only for the next one to work. And then next 9 to fail, and so on.... the last time we had a case of "fussity" the only way to stop it being so picky about jobs was to completely uninstall, rename the server, reinstall, reservice pack, and then re-create your devices, media, jobs and so on. I'm hoping to avoid it this time.
Meanwhile the main site figured it wasn't in the mood initially last night until around 8:30pm when I rebooted it. It just kept "recovering" it's own jobs. Good stuff.
All in a day's admin of Backup Exec.
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