Something truely amazing has started happening, as Backup Exec is *still* running, 6 days in, and it looks like we may have turned a corner with it in terms of making it think, act and work, like a competent backup solution.
As a result we've been able to look at other things - since my colleague tried the "CPS" or Continuous Protection Server part of Backup Exec some time ago, we found it was pretty good stuff - it worked straight out of the box, so we figured we'd give it a try - after all it would be more than a little useful if we could just replicate data from one site to another as part of a backup system, as it would boost our protection against failure of one of our key servers.
Installation of the CPS Server was easy, and worked first time. However, getting it to talk to our remote server was a little more difficult, as it's on a different subnet, and, as a bonus, the CPS Server also happens to have multiple NICs on different networks. To annoy us, CPS decided to pick the wrong IP to bind to (and there's no indication it will do this, nor any GUI to choose it).
It's OK though, easily fixed - with a famous registry edit to set a "PreferredAddress" on the CPS Server, and, on the CPS Machine being copied, changing it's "Gateway" address for the Veritas Software to be the IP of the CPS machine and not it's host name (even though it resolves to the same).
Right now we have a working CPS job doing the initial copy of our data, after which it should continuously protect... rock on.
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