Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Reporting in Backup Exec ... no more pain and misery...

If, like me you manage a largeish Backup Exec installation with several media servers, hundreds of backups and lots of clients, you'll probably be pretty frustrated with the half assed nature of the Backup Exec logging and reporting capabilities.

For a long time, I've wanted a simple, but powerful way to do things like "show me backups that are consistently failing over 'x' period, or show me the most likely time of day for backup jobs to fail etc.

So, having looked everywhere and found no sane solution, I've just started writing one. Now I have a great little interface where I can review my backups, see what jobs are failing constantly, review the issue, fix it and then mark it as resolved so it can start being checked again.

I'm thinking of adding lots of features and eventually making it something I can sell for a reasonable (read: not outrageous) fee to others who feel the pain...

Any suggestions welcomed...


Anonymous said...

Can we see a demo?

Anonymous said...

Is it poosible to see your "great little interface" ??

Regards Timo