Monday, 25 July 2022

DPM Server won't let you backup as a Primary DPM Server because previously it has been a Secondary for the same thing

 We recently came across a scenario where a protected server that used to be protected by another primary DPM server with Secondary protection on another had caused a problem where we couldn't make the Primary become that secondary server.

Original Scenario:

DPM-A protects Server called MYSERVER
DPM-B is setup as Secondary protection for MYSERVER getting the data from DPM-A

For various reasons, we now want DPM-B to be the Primary server (forever) for MYSERVER.

You could "switch protection" - but that (a) assumes the Primary DPM still exists and (b) that this won't be a problem later since it will forever live in "Switched Protection" mode.

Better would be to simply remove all the protection and start fresh.

When you do this, you might encounter the error:

One or more of the selected data sources are already configured for protection on the primary DPM Server. When you switch back protection, the replicas of these data sources will be protected from the primary DPM server (ID: 31162).

This of course isn't correct as DPM-A is no longer backing up that Server MYSERVER at all - but it still thinks it is involved via DPM-B.

The cause is that there are entries in the database for this in DPM-B that still thinks DPM-A has responsibility.

Fortunately there is a solution and the blog of Charbel Nemnom has written a script to solve this very issue - saving us all the job (what a helpful chap!) - check out: 

(Solution) Move Protected Server Between Two DPM Servers - (ID: 31162) - CHARBEL NEMNOM - MVP | MCT | CCSP - Cloud & CyberSecurity

You should no longer have a problem if you use the script - follow his guidance and you'll be good - and as he suggests, backup your DPM Database first!

I mean you don't need telling that surely as you're administering backups... but y'know, Back it up!

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